DTS Attorneys – Law Firm in Port Elizabeth

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It’s Off To Court We Go – But What Are The Costs Of Suing?

“Agree, for the law is costly” (Marcus Tullius Cicero) As Roman lawyer and statesman Cicero pointed out two millennia ago, litigation comes at a cost. So first prize will always be to settle out of court. If you can’t settle and decide to sue, arm yourself with “deep pockets and nerves of steel”, particularly if […]

Suing a Debtor – Make Sure Your Victory Isn’t a Hollow One

With our economic woes unlikely to abate any time soon, expect an increasing number of your debtors to find themselves in financial difficulty. If you end up litigating against any of them the last thing you will want to do is to throw good money after bad. And whilst fighting a court case and winning […]

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