It’s Sick Leave Season – Can You Reject a Dodgy Doctor’s Sick Note?
The last thing employers and employees want is for sick colleagues to drag themselves to work. There’s nothing more off-putting than sharing an office with a coughing and spluttering coworker. But, on the other hand, what can you as an employer do if you suspect staff of malingering? When can you insist on a medical certificate? And can you reject it if you think it’s falsified? A recent Labour Appeal Court decision over an employer’s decision to reject sick notes from a “dodgy doctor” addresses those questions.
Your Employee Reaches Retirement Age and Wants to Keep Working – What Should You Do?
“For many, many people, I’m a firm believer that 60 is the new 50.” (Carolyn Aldwin, director of Oregon State University’s Center for Healthy Aging Research) As even the youngest Boomers (the generation born between 1946 and 1964) approach the “Big Sixty”, an increasing number of employees will be thinking about whether or not they […]
Employers – Walking The “Compulsory Covid-19 Jab” Tightrope
“Employers should find a reasonable resolution that accommodates all parties where employees refuse to be vaccinated for medical and constitutional grounds” (Ministry of Employment and Labour) As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc around the world, an increasing number of businesses find themselves walking a tightrope between their obligations to, on the one hand, […]
Employers: Beware the “Casual Worker” Myth!
Employees in South Africa enjoy strong protections under a raft of laws such as the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), the Labour Relations Act (LRA) and the Employment Equity Act (EEA). Failure to comply with these Acts, whilst perhaps tempting to many employers struggling financially in these hard times, is not only unfair to […]