DTS Attorneys – Law Firm in Port Elizabeth

Landlords: You cannot cut a defaulting tenant’s water and electricity

Many a landlord is tempted to go the “self-help” route when non-paying tenants refuse to pay up and also refuse to leave. Holding costs mount with not a cent in rental income to show for it, the landlord gets desperate and locks are changed, access codes blocked, electricity and water cut off. But what if, […]

Landlords: Can You Cut Electricity to Collect Arrears or Evict?

Landlords can be sorely tempted to force defaulting tenants to settle their arrears (or to vacate the premises altogether) with a bit of instant “self-help” by cutting electricity or water supplies, or perhaps by changing locks or disabling access codes. From the High Court comes another timely warning that you cannot resort to self-help without […]

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